Featured Press
"Made for outdoor enthusiasts"
"Features unheard of in this space"
"Grownup version of your favorite bag"
"Better appearance, better wearability"
- RakuNew
"The most organized bag of its kind"
"Sleek and modern"
"Designed with performance in mind"
"Rolls up into a palm-sized form"
"New type of drawstring bag"
- Forbes
"Better design"
- Bloomberg
"Superior design"
- Mashable
"Improves the drawstring backpack"
- Aol.
"Solved all the problems of the gym sack"
"A complete redesign"
"Aims to reinvent the classic"
"Greatly improves the design"
"Innovative update to a classic design"
"Reinvented and more with the classic"
"Solves the old age issues"
"Cool features, divine prices"